Técnicos especializados de CYMAQ


At our company, we take pride in having highly trained technicians who deliver the best service and installation to our clients. Each of our technicians is properly identified and always adheres to the specifications of the facility they enter, ensuring a professional and reliable service.

Our commitment to excellence includes the dedication to keep our team consistently updated. To achieve this, we provide training that covers various essential topics such as compressed air fundamentals, compressor classification, lubricated screw compressors, compressed air treatment, condensate treatment, piping, and tanks. These training sessions can be in the form of lectures, courses, or seminars, and are designed to keep our technicians up-to-date with the latest technologies and potential issues that may arise.

Equipo de técnicos CYMAQ

Specialized Technicians

Our primary goal with these training programs is to ensure that our staff is fully prepared to tackle any challenges that come their way and to equip them with comprehensive knowledge about the various applications of compressed air, as well as the suitable equipment for its generation and treatment. This way, our technicians can identify the optimal solution for each specific process, ensuring efficient and effective service for our clients. We are committed to quality and the satisfaction of those who rely on our services, and our continuous training is a fundamental pillar in achieving this.

Over the course of 26 years, we have serviced over 2,000 units, establishing our expertise in preventive and corrective maintenance, setting us apart with:

For more information about our services, please contact one of our specialized advisors.

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